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Have You Ever

By: Stephanie MacDonald


Have you ever looked at yourself, 
and wanted someone else to see you too? 
Have you ever felt totally alone, 
and wanted someone beside you? 
Have you ever let an opportunity pass, 
and wanted to be offered another chance? 
Have you ever thought you weren't good enough, 
and wished someone would tell you different? 
Have you ever been utterly confused, 
and wanted someone to set things straight? 
Have you ever felt empty and hollow inside, 
and wanted someone to fill that void? 
Have you ever lost all faith in yourself, 
and wanted someone there to believe in you? 
Have you ever been genuinely sorry, 
and wanted some sign of forgiveness? 
Have you ever felt completely lost, 
and wanted someone to lead you home? 
Have you ever wondered who that someone is? 
-God that resides within

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