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That, The Power of Thoughts

By: Stephanie MacDonald


A world I've built in darkness has finally come to light 
A light that pierces my soul and I begin to shiver 
A shiver so strong that my body starts to rattle 
A rattle so loud that it can be heard by the world 
A world that has been damaged to its very core 
A core that is unknown by thine single eye 
An eye centered in the forehead that sees past evil 
An evil so strong that we have forgotten our God 
A God that is there is our loneliest hour 
An hour that can span further than an eternity 
An eternity that exists behind our hearts that beat 
A beat that is the rhythm to the music of the sky 
A sky that is open and receptive to all its inhabitants 
An inhabitant that lives in the expectancy of tomorrow 
A tomorrow that is not guaranteed but simply assumed 
An assumption that is made in blindsight and ignorance 
An ignorance that what goes up must always come down 
A down that is imaginary of which may linger in the air 
An air that is unseen but we all know it exists 
An existence of the belief that this is our only life 
A life that is hidden in the strongest yet most subtle energy
A energy that can magnify even the dullest of spirit
A spirit within us that is only waiting to wake up 
An awaking so shocking that darkness becomes light  

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