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By: Stephanie MacDonald


I look out of this dirty glass
and watch the sun begin to set
I feel my heart start dying 
I wonder why does life
have to be this way
Is it just just me
or do these things
happen for a reason 
The sky turns black
And I am alone
What's the point
When tomorrow doesn't matter 
I just want to sleep
the world turns it's back again
and I'm left on my knees
What's the point in trying
I stand up and I'm shoved back
I feel the tears in my eyes
I want to scream
but have no voice
Then I start tumbling
Where's the end to this tunnel
I've traveled so long
and I'm still the furthest thing
from being okay
Falling down the hole
does it ever stop
I wait for the end
It's coming soon
Depression is just another word
for those who wait to find their home
in a different beginning
If never given the chance
everyone sees you for all
you used to be
Why me, why me
Was it my decisions
My thoughts
Or is it all just
I'm better than this
But all you can see
Is the old me 
If there's a purpose to
any of this
then I must be blind
Because I don't see how
what I do matters
I'm forced to wake up
Another day
The same old bed
With thousands of things
cutting through my head
Does it matter
I don't know
I can only be who I am
If you don't like it
I can only be me
and try again 
I look out the dirty glass
Take a rag
and start wiping
Now I can see

my vision is clear
I don't need you anymore

if I want to be free

I'm free to be me

and claim my sovereignty 

I am who I am am

you are who you are

 I've had enough of the darkness

I'm gonna shine like a star 

This phoenix forever on the rise

go ahead and criticize

separate fools from those who are wise

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