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Personal Declarations

By: Stephanie MacDonald


I will be a source light,

even if the entire world follows darkness. 
I will learn my lessons fully,

enjoying the scenery without taking any shortcuts.
I will be strong,

even more so in times when others think I am weak. 
I will prove all those wrong,

each and every one who thinks I'll fail. 

I will always find success,

not just in wins themselves, but in every single genuine attempt.
I will always hold my ground,

 no matter how hard anyone may try to knock me down. 
I will take the road less traveled,

 not the easy paths previously taken in flocks. 

I will fulfill my own version of life,

not anybody else's idea or definition of what my life should be.
I will make myself heard,

even when everyone else is too afraid to speak. 
I will live my life to the absolute fullest,

realizing limitlessness opportunity and potential.
I will see everyday as a special gift,

treating it as if it is the last day I'm here. 

I will choose service to others over selfish service to self,

for it is truly in helping others that I truly help myself
I strive to do all I can do and be all I can be.
I will never stop seeking the best version of me.

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