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Behind the Labels

Everything you are searching for already exists inside of you. Whatever person you want to become, the tools are already within. It needs to be understood that we are not our bodies or the thoughts we grab onto inside our heads. We are pure consciousness. Most thoughts or beliefs we have that we identify with aren't even actually ours. We are simply buying into everything we have been sold without actually reading the label. We are labeled before the knowledge of what labels even are, and we grow up to believe them. We become classified as a sex, a race, a Christian, a student, an employee, a parent, young or old, rich or poor, friendly or grumpy... the list goes on.

First we were labeled and then we in turn, label and classify ourselves and other people and things even further into a box of boundaries. We believe we know what is right or wrong, healthy or unhealthy, pleasant or unpleasant, positive or negative-- what makes us happy or sad. And then as adults wonder why we feel empty or miserable. It seems people in general are lost. We are told what to buy, what to eat, what to wear, what to watch, how to feel, where to work, what to do and then prescribed pills at the slightest discomfort to dull any real feelings we may have that were serving to tell us something is wrong. We have been machined and farmed into thoughtless submission and no one is asking any questions. With the amount of money that is thrown around and energy expended, you'd think we'd be a blissful nation. But no, we are amongst the saddest and most unfulfilled. Why?

Because we keep blindly following the script for a part that only serves to diminish our light!

The less willpower you have, the stronger and more influential the mainstream can be, the more it becomes a believable necessity that you need to spend most your life working a job you don't love to pay for things you both can't afford and don't even need. You are forced into a state of chaos and artificial need and reliance on those and that outside of yourself. How can anyone make money if we advertise self-acceptance instead of make-up? How could pharmaceutical companies thrive if we prescribed breathing exercises, clean eating, natural remedies and meditation instead of toxic chemicals or medical's other such dangerous costly procedures? The expansion of our inner awareness or consciousness is the biggest threat to those whose existence is focused of money and power and greed.

When you break away from the ego, the labels and the false narrative, and find the stillness within yourself you will slowly but surely begin see your true purpose. And that is a life that is in harmony with the frequency and vibration of LOVE. Decide to stop living somebody else's idea of life and rediscover YOUR soul self, your higher self, the reflection of God within each and every living being. You do not need to know all the answers at once, you simply need to set your intention in motion in your mind and you will begin to attract the right "teachers" at the right time. Yes, it is that easy because what you think you attract and thoughts they sure do become things! All that you seek you already have, for as long as you have breath and gratitude of the present moment, with love in your heart and the desire to know your true nature, doors open, miracles happens, and the old self and worldly ways naturally fall away.

It all starts with waking up from the sleep you have been in. Choose to no longer fall for the illusions placed upon you since before this current birth. Realize you are a soul, not a body. Your unhealthy, negative thoughts are the rehashing of everyone else's regurgitation that you hold onto and then identify with. You are the peace of stillness, the light of the world, the potential of change. You are part of something so much bigger than this world's disappointment and unfulfillment. The mind works best in silent stillness so listen to the heart for it will lead you to the soul, follow the soul and it will show you the light, merge with the light and you will finally find home! Love and Light to ALL! We are ONE.

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